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Final Evaluation Report of the Ongoing HUSRB IPA CBC Programme Evaluation
19. September 2014.

The Final Evaluation Report, the final output of the on-going evaluation of the Hungary–Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (2007-2013), is now available for download. The timeframe of the ongoing evaluation exercise was April 2013 – July 2014. The Final Evaluation Report summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the First and Second Evaluation Reports, regarding the performance of the Programme from 2009 to the current state-of-play in July 2014. The Final Evaluation Report can be downloaded here.

The SEA of the draft OP of HUSRB IPA II CBC Programme
28. July 2014.

SEA is a useful tool to highlight potential positive environmental impacts of a program and hinder measures that might be harmful for the environment. The SEA is carried out simultaneously to the preparation of the programme and consultation about the Programme has already started as well.

25. July 2014.

Based on Government Decree 161/2014 (30th June) and Government Decision 1362/2014 (30th June), from 1st July, 2014 the tasks of VÁTI Non-profit Ltd (VATI) are taken over by Széchenyi Programme Office Non-profit Ltd (SZPO).

Public consultation
23. July 2014.

This consultation seeks comments and views on the contents of the draft Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme for 2014-2020.

The Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme is the main document for setting out the strategy and priorities for the use of the fund to support the Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Programme Area in the 2014-2020 period.

This consultation is run before submitting the Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme 2014-2020 document to the European Commission and is open for the period of one month between 23 July 2014 to 22 August 2014. Please send your comments and views to Thank you for your cooperation!

HUSRB IPA II CBC draft OP Public Consultation

3rd CfP List of Contracted Projects
11. June 2013.

The list of projects contracted within the framework of the 3rd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme is now available for download.

Vacancy Announcement - The head of the Joint Technical Secretariat of Hungary- Serbia IPA CBC Programme
12. July 2012.

The Head of JTS bears overall responsibility for the work of the Secretariat, ensuring that all the tasks prescribed for the JTS are completed in due time and quality and supervising if the JTS works in line with all relevant regulations and procedures. The post is based at the Joint Technical Secretariat’s premises in Budapest, Hungary.

The deadline for applications is 1 August 2012.

For detailed information please view the document below:

Hungary - Serbia JTS vacancy

Updated FAQ HUSRB/1203 available
07. May 2012.

Freqeuntly Asked Questions about the 3rd Call for Proposals are available. Please go to: FAQ

Presentations from 3rd CfP Info Days available for download
03. April 2012.

Five Information Days about the 3rd Call for Proposals launched in the framework of the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme held in Vojvodina, Csongrad and Bacs-Kiskun counties gathered around 450 participants  Members of the Joint Technical Secretariat and Info Point wish to thank potential applicants for  their active participation in the Info Days and great interest in applying for the Third Call for Proposals.

Presentations from the Info Days can be downloaded on the Downloads section of the website.

3rd CfP Partner Search HUSRB/1203 available
03. April 2012.

Partner Search engine is available. Please go to the Partner Search web page and register/fill in the data. The Partner Search section is intended to give potential applicants the opportunity to publish a short description of their project idea on the Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme\'s official website with the aim of finding new project partners.

2nd CfP List of contracted projects
03. March 2012.

The list of projects contracted within the framework of the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme is now available for download.

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Today we use interactive maps more often than printed versions. Interactive maps are more practical and give us more information that the other ones. So apart from our printed Guide through the border crossings between Hungary and Serbia, we created an interactive map to help you plan your journey across the borders. Please click on the map and enjoy the trip through the region.

For full size map click here »