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Management structure

  • European Commission: Donor of the IPA funds (Community contribution), establishing the IPA regulations.
  • Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee (JMSC): supervises and monitors the programme implementation, responsible for project selection. Its operations are regulated by the Rules and Procedures of the JMSC.
  • Managing Authority (MA): bears the overall responsibility for the management and implementation of the Programme towards the European Commission. The National Development Agency in Hungary acts as the Managing Authority.
  • National Authorities (NA): the National Development Agency in Hungary and European Integration Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia bear responsibility – among others – for setting up the control system in order to validate the expenditures at national level and for ensuring national state co-financing. Moreover, NAs are responsible for investigation of suspicion of irregularities, declaration of irregularities and handling of irregularities.
  • Certifying Authority (CA): the main task of the CA is drawing up certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment and submitting them to the European Commission. The  Directorate of EU Assistance of the Hungarian State Treasury acts as the Certifying Authority.
  • Audit Authority (AA): body functionally independent from the Managing Authority and the Certifying Authority, is responsible for verifying the effective functioning of the management and control system. The work of the AA is assisted by the Group of Auditors. The Directorate General for Audit of European Funds (EUTAF) in Hungary acts as the Audit Authority.
  • Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS): Set up within VÁTI Hungarian Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Regional Development and Town Planning (hereinafter referred to as VÁTI) in Budapest with member(s) in the VÁTI Regional Office in Szeged, the JTS assists the MA, CA, AA, the JMSC and the National Authorities in carrying out their respective duties.  The JTS keeps daily contact with potential Applicants and Lead Beneficiaries of contracted projects. The JTS members in Szeged and the Information Point, as antenna of the JTS, situated in Subotica are particularly responsible for supporting efficient project development in both sides of the border, by giving direct assistance to potential project applicants.
  • Control Bodies: Set up in VÁTI in Hungary with its territorial offices in Szeged and Békéscsaba and within the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia, the Control Bodies are responsible for validating expenditure at national level in accordance with Community and national rules.

Today we use interactive maps more often than printed versions. Interactive maps are more practical and give us more information that the other ones. So apart from our printed Guide through the border crossings between Hungary and Serbia, we created an interactive map to help you plan your journey across the borders. Please click on the map and enjoy the trip through the region.

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