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Information about FLC

The designated Control Bodies are responsible for ensuring the compliance of expenditure incurred with Community and national rules by carrying out verifications and issuing a Declaration on the validation of expenditures in Euro in respect of each payment request.

The designated Control Bodies of the Programme are set up in Hungary in the frame of VÁTI Nonprofit Company (Budapest, Szeged, Békéscsaba) in accordance with Hungarian Government Decree No 49/2007 (III. 26.) and in Serbia in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia.
In line with Article 28.2.(j) of Regulation (EC) No 718/2007; verifications to be carried out at national level shall cover administrative, financial, technical and physical aspects of operations. Verifications shall ensure that the expenditure declared has actually been incurred in accordance with applicable rules, the products or services have been delivered in accordance with the approval decision, and the payment requests by the final beneficiary are correct.

Designated Control Bodies in Hungary and in Serbia are:

VÁTI Hungarian Nonprofit Limited Liability Company - Central Control Unit:
Regional Control Units in Szeged and Békéscsaba

For available documents and guidelines, as well as news and events related to Control Body for Project Partners from Hungary please go to the FLC button on the webpage in Hungarian.

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia,
Sector for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Projects (CFCU)

For available documents and guidelines, as well as news and events related to Control Body for Project Partners from Serbia please go to the FLC button on the webpage in Serbian.

Today we use interactive maps more often than printed versions. Interactive maps are more practical and give us more information that the other ones. So apart from our printed Guide through the border crossings between Hungary and Serbia, we created an interactive map to help you plan your journey across the borders. Please click on the map and enjoy the trip through the region.

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