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SEA Statement issued by the Managing Authority of Interreg – IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia

SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Statement was issued by the Managing Authority (MA) of the programme Interreg – IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia on 22 October 2015. The document provides the summary of the SEA process and confirmation that the SEA Report was approved at the national level in both partner-countries, as the relevant authorities approved the SEA Report during the consultation process.

Here you may download the SEA Statement:

The European Commission approves the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia programme

The European Commission (EC) adopted the new cross-border cooperation programme between Hungary and Serbia – Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme on December 15, 2015.

The total EU contribution to the Programme (ERDF/IPA-Instrument for Pre Accession Assistance) is € 65 124 000. Taking into consideration the national counterpart (including also the own contribution of project partners), the total budget of the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia Programme is: € 76 616 474.

Here you may download the Cooperation Programme (CP) document of the Interreg - IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia programme:

SEA of the Cooperation Programme of the Interreg - IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia

The Task Force of the Interreg - IPA CBC Hungary - Serbia approved the Co-operation Programme (CP) for the submission to the EC. The draft CP and the modified SEA Report and its Non-technical Summary can be downloaded below. The final documents will be published as soon as it is approved by the EC.

After publishing SEA documents there will be 30 days to send comments from environmental and sustainable point of view related to the Programme Document and SEA Report in frame of consultation process (until 28th of October 2015):

The following documents are available for download:

Examples of Good Cooperation

Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme proudly presents a new publication Examples of Good Cooperation, presenting examples of good cooperation between partnering organizations from Hungary and Serbia which implemented projects within the Programme 2007-2013.

Here you may download electronic version of the Examples of Good Cooperation in English:

HUSRB IPA CBC - Project Catalogue

We proudly present to you the Project Catalogue, the programme publication summarizing the results of the cooperation between organizations from Hungary and Serbia which participated in the projects within the cross-border cooperation programme. This edition also summarizes the results of joint and well-coordinated work of the numerous institutions from Hungary and Serbia, and the Programme bodies responsible for the Programme implementation.  

You may download electronic version of the Project Catalogue:

Draft Cooperation Programme of the Interreg - IPA CBC Hungary - Serbia

The Task Force of the Interreg - IPA CBC Hungary - Serbia approved the Co-operation Programme (CP) for the submission to the EC. The draft CP can be downloaded below. The final CP document will be published as soon as it is approved by the EC, so please check our website regularly.

Final Evaluation Report of the Ongoing Programme Evaluation

The Final Evaluation Report, the final output of the on-going evaluation of the Hungary–Serbia IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme (2007-2013), is now available for download. The timeframe of the ongoing evaluation exercise was April 2013 – July 2014. The Final Evaluation Report summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the First and Second Evaluation Reports, regarding the performance of the Programme from 2009 to the current state-of-play in July 2014. The Final Evaluation Report can be downloaded below:

The SEA of the draft OP of HUSRB IPA II CBC Programme

The SEA of the Hungary–Serbian Cross-border Cooperation Programme (2014-2020) is planned and carried out in line with the 2001/42/EC Directive and its respective national adaptations:

  • the Hungarian Government Decree 2/2005 (I.11.)
  • Serbia at present ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 135/2004 i 88/2010) Law on strategic environmental assessment of plans and programmes

After examining advantages and disadvantages, the Task Force and the relevant authorities decided to carry out SEA process jointly. This means that a joint Environmental Report is elaborated in the framework of one joint process and the consultation processes are carried out separately in both countries based on common rules. The scope of the SEA was approved by environmental authorities in Hungary (where MA is located) as legal start of the SEA process. It consists of all required information based on legislation.

SEA is a useful tool to highlight potential positive environmental impacts of a program and hinder measures that might be harmful for the environment. The SEA is carried out simultaneously to the preparation of the programme and consultation about the Programme has already started as well.
In order to ensure a transparent decision-making, for the public and for relevant environmental authorities possibility of consultations is to be provided.
After publishing SEA documents there will be 30 days to send comments from environmental and sustainable point of view related to the Programme Document and SEA Report in frame of consultation process (until 29th of August 2014):

The following documents are available for download:
Programme Document for the period of 2014-2020


Public consultation

This consultation seeks comments and views on the contents of the draft Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme for 2014-2020.
The Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme is the main document for setting out the strategy and priorities for the use of the fund to support the Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Programme Area in the 2014-2020 period.
This consultation is run before submitting the Hungary-Serbia IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme 2014-2020 document to the European Commission and is open for the period of one month between 23.07.2014 to 22.08.2014. Please send your comments and views to . Thank you for your cooperation!

3rd Call for Proposals List of selected projects

The list of 61 projects which the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee of Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme selected for co-financing within the 3rd Call for Proposals is now available for information. The final list of contracted projects will be available after signing the Subsidy Contracts.

HUSRB/1002 and HUSRB/1203 Project Implementation Handbook and Annexes

The Project Implementation Handbook contains guidelines and information about administrative and financial management, monitoring and reporting procedures as well as other requirements within the framework of the  Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.

The beneficiaries implementing projects within the 2nd and 3rd Calls for Proposals should use the revised version of the document (HUSRB/1002 and HUSRB/1203 Project Implementation Handbook).

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Project teams implementing projects within the 2nd CfP are required to use Annex II 1002 Modification request template, while the Annex III 1203 Modification request template is relevant for the projects implemented within the 3rd CfP.

Follow up report template can be downloaded here as the Annex VII of the Project Implementation Handbook:

HUSRB/1203 Information and Publicity Guidelines

The HUSRB/1203 Information and Publicity Guidelines is to be used by the projects selected/to be contracted within the framework of the 3rd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.

The HUSRB/1203 Information and Publicity Guidelines contains relevant information and instructions for Lead Beneficiaries and Project Partners to be used during the implementation of the projects.

Important note for the LBs and PPs selected in the 3rd Call for Proposals: some logos are changed. The project teams of the projects implemented within the 3rd Call for Proposals should not use the packages from the 1st or 2nd Calls for Proposals. The beneficiaries should contact their responsible Programme Managers at the JTS to obtain the packages with updated logos in relevant formats.

HUSRB/1203 Presentations from the LB Seminar

Presentations from Lead Beneficiary Seminars for the projects contracted within the 3rd Call for Proposals, held on 5th and 6th February 2013 in Subotica and Szeged can be downloaded here:

Control Guidelines

Control Guidelines is a Programme level document which contains common rules and requirements used by the Control Bodies in the process of verification of expenditures incurred during the project implementation period. This document describes common and harmonized control activities in both participating countries.

The Control Guidelines were updated in July 2013. The modified document can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/1203 Presentations from the Information Days about 3rd CfP

Information Days about the Third Call for Proposals of Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme were held in five cities of the eligible Programme area during March. Presentations from the Info Days can be downloaded below.

The presentation in Hungarian language, titled 3rd CfP InfoDays HU_FLC_issues HUSRB_1203, is prepared by the members of the First Level Control body from Hungary. Please note that this presentation is relevant for potential applicants from Hungary only.

3rd CfP List of Contracted Projects

The list of projects contracted within the framework of the 3rd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme is now available for download.

HUSRB/1203 Application Package for the Third Call for Proposals

Application Package for the Third Call for Proposals can be downloaded below.

NOTICE: Due to minor editing issues, the Application Form for the 3rd Call for Proposals was slightly changed on 21 March 2012. Applicants are kindly asked to use and fill in the excel file titled Application_Form_3rd CfP_corrigendum_21032012

HUSRB/1203 Information on Feasibility Study

The Feasibility Study is required in case of works activities exceeding the value of 400.000 EUR included in the budget of the respective project part.

The Feasibility Study shall provide the decision-makers of the Applicant organization as well as of the management bodies of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme with sufficient information to justify the acceptance of the proposed project for financing and implementation. For further information please consult the document HUSRB/1203 Information on Feasibility Study, which can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/1002 - List of contracted projects

The list of projects contracted within the framework of the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (HUSRB/1002) can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/1002 Presentations from the LB Seminar

Presentations from Lead beneficiary Seminars held on 12 and 13 December 2011 in Subotica and Szeged  can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/1002 Presentation from IMIS training for 2nd CfP LBs

Presentations from the interactive IMIS Seminar held by Territorial Cooperation Division Management Services Directorate of VÁTI Non-profit Kft. and members of Joint Technical Secretariat of Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme in Szeged on 8 March and in Subotica on 12 March 2012 are available for download. Lead Beneficiariy organizations implementing projects within the 2nd Call for Proposals (HUSRB/1002) can find useful and practical information about reporting in the document below, titled HUSRB/1002 IMIS LB seminar EN.

HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines

The HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines is to be used by the projects selected/to be contracted within the framework of the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.

The HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines contains relevant information and instructions for Lead Beneficiaries and Project Partners to be used during the implementation of the projects.

Important note for the LBs and PPs selected in the 2nd Call for Proposals: EU logo  withobligatory phrase is changed. The project teams should not use the packages from the 1st Call for Proposals. The beneficiaries should contact their responsible Programme Managers at the JTS to obtain the packages with updated logos in relevant formats.

Important notice for the LBs and PPs implementing projects under the 1st Call for Proposals: please continue using the Information and Publicity Guidelines published within the 1st Call for Proposals, until the closure of the project.

HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines in English language can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/0901 Documents and instructions for requesting modifications and other changes

The Modifications: General Instructions is designed to assist the Lead Beneficiary (LB) and Project Partners (PPs) in initiating and successfully concluding the modification process. The purpose of this document is to describe, explain and summarize the project modification process.

Modification request template HUSRB/0901 within the 1st Call for Proposals of HU-SRB IPA CBC is available for download.

Important note: the document HU-SRB Módosítások formanyomtatvány is to be used only by the Project Partners from Hungary, when requesting the approval for project changes from the Control Body from Hungary.

Modifications: General Instructions and Modification request template HUSRB/0901 as well as request for modifications for Project Partners from Hungary (HU-SRB Módosítások formanyomtatvány) can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/0901 Project Implementation Handbook

The main purpose of the Project Implementation Handbook is to assist Lead Beneficiaries (LB) and Project Partners (PP) in implementation of the projects. The Project Implementation Handbook contains guidelines and information about administrative and financial management, monitoring and reporting procedures as well as other requirements within the framework of the IPA Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Co-operation Programme.

The HUSRB/0901 Project Implementation Handbook in English language can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/0901 Information and Publicity Guidelines

The main purpose of Guidelines for Implementing Information and Publicity Requirements for the Projects in the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (Information and Publicity Guidelines) is to assist the members of project teams to plan and complete communication tasks efficiently and fulfill the information, publicity and visibility requirements successfully. The Information and Publicity Guidelines contains relevant information and instructions for Lead Beneficiaries and Project Partners to be used during the implementation of the projects.

The Information and Publicity Guidelines in English language can be downloaded here:

HUSRB/0901 LB Seminar Presentations

Presentations from Lead beneficiary Seminars held on 14 and 15 october 2010 in Szeged and Subotica can be downloaded here:

Programming document

Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme was approved by the European Commission on 25 March 2008. The EC approved the last modification of the document on 24 October 2012.

You can download the updated Programming document in English language here:

IMIS Front Office User Manual HUSRB IPA CBC

User Manual for preparing and submitting Progress Reports in the Front Office of IMIS 2007-2013 can be downloaded here:

General information about IMIS 2007-2013

In this brochure you can find general information about the IMIS 2007-2013 Monitoring and Information System, a complex IT tool which supports the integrated management of the Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.

PRAG Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about PraG procedures can be downloaded here:

2nd Call for Proposals List of Selected Projects

The list of 69 projects which the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee of Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme selected for co-financing within the 2nd Call for Proposals is now available for information. The final list of contracted projects will be available after signing the Subsidy Contracts.

1st Call for Proposals List of Selected Projects

The list of projects which the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee of Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme selected for co-financing is now available for information. The final list of contracted projects will be available after signing the Subsidy Contracts.

2nd Call for Proposals Press Release

Ceremony of signing the Subsidy Contracts held on 24 October 2011, represents the beginning of the implementation phase for 69 project  to be supported within the 2nd Call for Proposals.

POSTER CONTEST - Be part of this year’s European Cooperation Day

On 21 September 2013 and in the surrounding week European Cooperation Day will be celebrated throughout Europe for the second time. To mark this occasion, INTERACT Point Vienna is organising a poster contest and we would like to invite you to participate.
The contest is open to children ages 16 and under and the theme of the posters should be:
"Sharing borders, growing closer" or "Working together for a better Europe".
Deadline for submissions: 24 August 2013.
For more details, please download the Announcement and Entry Form:


Memos from the Programming workshops held in Szeged on the 11th July 2013 are now available for download in three languages: English, Hungarian and Serbian. The workshops addressed and elaborated issues of four crucial topics:

  • Environmental protection and risk prevention
  • Human cooperation areas (education, health, social institutional, people to people)
  • Transportation related to the cross-border area of Hungary and Serbia
  • Economy, R&D and employment

Memos of all four workshops related to the cross-border area of Hungary and Serbia, addressing the lessons learnt from the current programming period (projects, strength, weaknesses, needs), and suggestions for cooperation ideas for the following programming period (2014-2020) can be downloaded here:

Situation Analysis incluging the SWOT

Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme Situation Analysis including the SWOT analysis. Final Draft in harmony with the requirements of the future IPA II regulation for the 2014-2020 financial period is available for download here:

Today we use interactive maps more often than printed versions. Interactive maps are more practical and give us more information that the other ones. So apart from our printed Guide through the border crossings between Hungary and Serbia, we created an interactive map to help you plan your journey across the borders. Please click on the map and enjoy the trip through the region.

For full size map click here »