HUSRB/1203 Application Package for the Third Call for Proposals
Application Package for the Third Call for Proposals can be downloaded below.
NOTICE: Due to minor editing issues, the Application Form for the 3rd Call for Proposals was slightly changed on 21 March 2012. Applicants are kindly asked to use and fill in the excel file titled Application_Form_3rd CfP_corrigendum_21032012
HUSRB/1203 Information on Feasibility Study
The Feasibility Study is required in case of works activities exceeding the value of 400.000 EUR included in the budget of the respective project part.
The Feasibility Study shall provide the decision-makers of the Applicant organization as well as of the management bodies of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme with sufficient information to justify the acceptance of the proposed project for financing and implementation. For further information please consult the document HUSRB/1203 Information on Feasibility Study, which can be downloaded here:
HUSRB/1203 Presentations from the Information Days about 3rd CfP
Information Days about the Third Call for Proposals of Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme were held in five cities of the eligible Programme area during March. Presentations from the Info Days can be downloaded below.
The presentation in Hungarian language, titled 3rd CfP InfoDays HU_FLC_issues HUSRB_1203, is prepared by the members of the First Level Control body from Hungary. Please note that this presentation is relevant for potential applicants from Hungary only.
HUSRB/1002 - List of contracted projects
The list of projects contracted within the framework of the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (HUSRB/1002) can be downloaded here:
HUSRB/1002 Presentations from the LB Seminar
Presentations from Lead beneficiary Seminars held on 12 and 13 December 2011 in Subotica and Szeged can be downloaded here:
HUSRB/1002 Presentation from IMIS training for 2nd CfP LBs
Presentations from the interactive IMIS Seminar held by Territorial Cooperation Division Management Services Directorate of VÁTI Non-profit Kft. and members of Joint Technical Secretariat of Hungary-Serbia IPA CBC Programme in Szeged on 8 March and in Subotica on 12 March 2012 are available for download. Lead Beneficiariy organizations implementing projects within the 2nd Call for Proposals (HUSRB/1002) can find useful and practical information about reporting in the document below, titled HUSRB/1002 IMIS LB seminar EN.
HUSRB/1002 Project Implementation Handbook and Annexes
The Project Implementation Handbook contains guidelines and information about administrative and financial management, monitoring and reporting procedures as well as other requirements within the framework of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.
The beneficiaries implementing projects within the 2nd Call for Proposals should use the revised version of the document (HUSRB/1002 Project Implementation Handbook) and its Annex II Modification request template available for download here:
HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines
The HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines is to be used by the projects selected/to be contracted within the framework of the 2nd Call for Proposals of the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.
The HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines contains relevant information and instructions for Lead Beneficiaries and Project Partners to be used during the implementation of the projects.
Important note for the LBs and PPs selected in the 2nd Call for Proposals: EU logo withobligatory phrase is changed. The project teams should not use the packages from the 1st Call for Proposals. The beneficiaries should contact their responsible Programme Managers at the JTS to obtain the packages with updated logos in relevant formats.
Important notice for the LBs and PPs implementing projects under the 1st Call for Proposals: please continue using the Information and Publicity Guidelines published within the 1st Call for Proposals, until the closure of the project.
HUSRB/1002 Information and Publicity Guidelines in English language can be downloaded here:
HUSRB/0901 Documents and instructions for requesting modifications and other changes
The Modifications: General Instructions is designed to assist the Lead Beneficiary (LB) and Project Partners (PPs) in initiating and successfully concluding the modification process. The purpose of this document is to describe, explain and summarize the project modification process.
Modification request template HUSRB/0901 within the 1st Call for Proposals of HU-SRB IPA CBC is available for download.
Important note: the document HU-SRB Módosítások formanyomtatvány is to be used only by the Project Partners from Hungary, when requesting the approval for project changes from the Control Body from Hungary.
Modifications: General Instructions and Modification request template HUSRB/0901 as well as request for modifications for Project Partners from Hungary (HU-SRB Módosítások formanyomtatvány) can be downloaded here:
IMIS Front Office User Manual HUSRB IPA CBC
User Manual for preparing and submitting Progress Reports in the Front Office of IMIS 2007-2013 can be downloaded here:
General information about IMIS 2007-2013
In this brochure you can find general information about the IMIS 2007-2013 Monitoring and Information System, a complex IT tool which supports the integrated management of the Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme.
Control Guidelines
Control Guidelines is a Programme level document which contains common rules and requirements used by the Control Bodies in the process of verification of expenditures incurred during the project implementation period. This document describes common and harmonized control activities in both participating countries.
The Control Guidelines can be downloaded here:
Project Implementation Handbook
The main purpose of the Project Implementation Handbook is to assist Lead Beneficiaries (LB) and Project Partners (PP) in implementation of the projects. The Project Implementation Handbook contains guidelines and information about administrative and financial management, monitoring and reporting procedures as well as other requirements within the framework of the IPA Hungary-Serbia Cross-border Co-operation Programme.
The Project Implementation Handbook in English language can be downloaded here:
Information and Publicity Guidelines
The main purpose of Guidelines for Implementing Information and Publicity Requirements for the Projects in the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (Information and Publicity Guidelines) is to assist the members of project teams to plan and complete communication tasks efficiently and fulfill the information, publicity and visibility requirements successfully. The Information and Publicity Guidelines contains relevant information and instructions for Lead Beneficiaries and Project Partners to be used during the implementation of the projects.
The Information and Publicity Guidelines in English language can be downloaded here:
Programming document
Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme was approved by the European Commission on 25 March 2008.
You can download the Programming document in English language here.
PRAG Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions about PraG procedures can be downloaded here:
HUSRB/0901 LB Seminar Presentations
Presentations from Lead beneficiary Seminars held on 14 and 15 october 2010 in Szeged and Subotica can be downloaded here:
2nd Call for Proposals List of Selected Projects
The list of 69 projects which the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee of Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme selected for co-financing within the 2nd Call for Proposals is now available for information. The final list of contracted projects will be available after signing the Subsidy Contracts.
1st Call for Proposals List of Selected Projects
The list of projects which the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee of Hungary – Serbia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme selected for co-financing is now available for information. The final list of contracted projects will be available after signing the Subsidy Contracts.
2nd Call for Proposals Press Release
Ceremony of signing the Subsidy Contracts held on 24 October 2011, represents the beginning of the implementation phase for 69 project to be supported within the 2nd Call for Proposals.