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Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Hungary-Serbia launches new website!

Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Serbia, approved by the EC on December 15, 2016, has launched its official website www.interreg-ipa-husrb.com.

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Interreg–IPA CBC Hungary–Serbia launches the Strategic Call for Proposals

Interreg–IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary–Serbia has today launched the Strategic Call for Proposals, with the total amount of funding of 24,800,000 EUR intended for the...

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SEA Statement issued by the Managing Authority of Interreg – IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia

SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Statement was issued by the Managing Authority (MA) of the programme Interreg – IPA CBC Hungary – Serbia on 22 October 2015.

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The European Commission approves the Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia programme

The European Commission (EC) adopted the new cross-border cooperation programme between Hungary and Serbia – Interreg-IPA CBC Hungary-Serbia...

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Calls for Proposals

Strategic Call for Proposals – Interreg–IPA CBC Hungary–Serbia

Interreg–IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary–Serbia has today launched the Strategic Call for Proposals, with the total amount of funding of 24,800,000 EUR intended for the projects of strategic value for the Hungary-Serbia border region. 

The Strategic Call for Proposals HUSRB/1601 will be open until August 26, 2016 for submission of proposals for strategic projects, which are in line with the relevant national and regional strategies and which have the capacity to make a high impact and improve the quality of life in the Programme area. 

The eligible projects must be in line with one of the three Priority Axes of the Strategic Call for Proposals:
  • PA 1: Improving cross-border water management and risk prevention systems;
  • PA 2: Reducing traffic bottlenecks in the cross-border transport network; or
  • PA 3: Encouraging cooperation in tourism and cultural heritage preservation.
The supported projects have the duration period requirement of minimum 12 months and maximum 36 months. The supported projects must be implemented within the Programme area, which includes: Csongrád, and Bács-Kiskun counties in Hungary, and Serbian counties: West Bačka, North Bačka, North Banat, South Bačka, South Bačka, Middle Banat, South Banat, and Srem, and the eligible applicants are non-profit organizations governed by the private law, public authorities, and bodies governed by public law. 
The Application package, guidelines and rules of the application process, and all other related information about the Strategic Call for Proposals may be obtained at the web page Call for Proposals. 
During application period, the Programme will provide the Applicants with assistance with the application process through its Joint Secretariat (JS) and the JS Antenna. Additionally, the potential Applicants will have the option to search for project partners through the online tool Partner Search on the Programme website.
The provisional notification date of the results of the Strategic Call for Proposals is January 2017.  
The Interreg–IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary–Serbia,  based on the Regulation (EC) No 231/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 447/2014 (IPA II Implementing Regulation), was approved by the European Commission, by its decision C(2015) 9488 on December 15, 2015. The strategic Call for Proposals is the first call of the Programme. 
Following the Strategic Call for Proposals, an Open Call for Proposals will be launched soon. 
Unlike the Strategic Call for Proposals, which is intended for proposals of projects of strategic value for the border region, the Open Call for Proposals will be intended for a broader range of Applicants and activities. Additionally, it will include all four Priority Axes of the Programme.
The launch date of Open Call for Proposals will be announced in due time, on the Programme\'s website and other communication channels of the Programme, including the Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

The Third Call for Proposals is closed

The Third Call for Proposals (HUSRB/1203) was closed on May 30 2012.

There are no open calls for proposals at the moment.

Today we use interactive maps more often than printed versions. Interactive maps are more practical and give us more information that the other ones. So apart from our printed Guide through the border crossings between Hungary and Serbia, we created an interactive map to help you plan your journey across the borders. Please click on the map and enjoy the trip through the region.

For full size map click here »