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Procurement HUSRB/1203

  1. Where can I find general information about the procurement procedures to be applied?
  2. How should we plan our project if the equipment is produced in the USA and the distributor company is from eligible area according to PraG?
  3. Do the costs planned under preparation costs have to be procured according to PraG?
  4. Do all similar items (e.g. similar items within service budget line) have to be procured in the frame of one procedure, or is it possible to procure them separately according to the planned budgets?
  5. Can a non-profit organization outsource services to its founding organization?

U današnje vreme interaktivne mape koristimo mnogo češće nego štampane. Interaktivne mape su praktičnije, dostupnije i informativnije. Pored štampanog Vodiča kroz granične prelaze između Mađarske i Srbije, napravili smo interaktivnu mapu da vam pomogne pri planiranju putovanja preko graničnih prelaza. Kliknite na mapu i uživajte u putovanju kroz region.

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