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Application, practical information HUSRB/1203

  1. Should all Chapters of the Application Form be filled in and printed out including the Chapters which are not relevant to the project?
  2. Is it enough to number the pages of the Application Form?
  3. Should Hungarian Applicants submit a separate application to receive national state co-financing?
  4. What is the difference between ‘Action specific indicator’ and ‘Project specific indicator’?
  5. How should we indicate the Project Acronym on the relevant documents?
  6. How should we plan activities since there are only 20 fields for entering activities in the Chapter 5. of the Application Form (Activity plan)?
  7. In the 1st Call for Proposals we involved an Associated Partner organization, which did not receive any funding. How is it possible to involve it in the partnership in this Call for Proposal?
  8. According to the experience from the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals quality assessment, what is the average score of the projects which were selected for IPA co-financing?
  9. Is it acceptable to submit the e-mail correspondence among Project Partners as a proof of 'joint development' of the project or is it necessary to organize project meetings?
  10. How shall we fill in Chapter 10 - 2.2 Salary of staff if we have more than 4 people in our project team participating in the implementation of the project?
  11. Is it possible to involve more than 24 persons into the implementation of the project as project team members?
  12. How can we indicate Project Acronym on the Extract from Register and Specimen of Signature? Are these documents accepted as original if we write on them?
  13. Declaration by the Applicant and Partnership Statement documents have Track changes option on. Can we turn it off?

U današnje vreme interaktivne mape koristimo mnogo češće nego štampane. Interaktivne mape su praktičnije, dostupnije i informativnije. Pored štampanog Vodiča kroz granične prelaze između Mađarske i Srbije, napravili smo interaktivnu mapu da vam pomogne pri planiranju putovanja preko graničnih prelaza. Kliknite na mapu i uživajte u putovanju kroz region.

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