
Iratkozzon fel hírlevelünkre:

Gyakori kérdések (GYIK)

Financial issues HUSRB/1203

  1. Will there be any advance for projects?
  2. Is there any limitation for the budget line "Equipment/Supply"?
  3. Is there any limitation for the budget line "Staff costs"?
  4. Does the own contribution have to be ‘public money’?
  5. What is the purpose of the separate project EUR bank account? Does the LB have to provide its own contribution on this bank account? Do the project partners have to provide their own contribution on this separate bank account?
  6. What does the term 'result' mean in connection to the financial capacity of the project partners in the Application Form? Where can this data be found in the annual report or in the balances? How does the term have to be interpreted in case of organizations of the state budget?
  7. Is it possible to pay per diems for persons who are not employed by any of the Project Partners but will take part in a project event as a participant association for example?
  8. Where can I find information about the per diem rates concerning different countries?
  9. If we would like to procure a special software for the implementation of our project, in which budget line of the Application Form should we plan the relevant costs?
  10. Is it possible that one Project Partner within the Partnership provides the required own contribution for the whole partnership?
  11. Can a Project Partner from Serbia provide additional own contribution, i.e. more than 15%?
  12. Can a team member receive salary from the project both on permanent and fixed term work contract?
  13. In what form does the own contribution of the Project Partners have to be provided? What has to be attached to the Application Form in this respect?

Manapság gyakrabban használunk interaktív térképet, mint nyomtatottat, hiszen praktikusabb és több információt nyújt. Ennek megfelelelően a Magyarország és Szerbia közötti határátkelőket ismertető nyomtatott Határátlépési útmutató mellett egy interaktív térképet is készítettünk, amely segít a határátlépéssel járó utazások megtervezésében. Klikkeljen a térképre és élvezze utazását a régióban!

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